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Injury, Rehab and Mobility

About Injury & Rehab


In todays society it is too easy to put of that niggling pain and to carry on. These issues can have adverse affects on other parts of the body, particularly with gait. This then has a negative spiral on daily activities and therefore your lifestyle.

Get into a clinic and get them pesky injuries sorted! Usually its a few minor tweeks to exercise programmes or corrective exercises that can help get you back into what ever activity your fond of.

Although our NHS is amazing, sometimes the long term care of acute injuries can go neglected.

With a private clinic, long term care is essential. Programmes will be given from acute phase of injury right up to full recovery and beyond. Research shows that if an injury has happened, with out proper rehabilitation it is more likely to occur (percentages vary with injury).

Initial Consultation
Follow Up Consultation
Whats in a consultation?


Postural awareness (if this is the issue)

How the injury occurred


Taping (If required)

Advice on home treatment

Exercises for rehabilitation and prevention for
long term
technique changes

Lifestyle Changes

Not able to get to clinic?

Online options are available.



Mobility is an underestimated method of helping with aches and pains that are in the lower back, thoracic region, hip and neck. Our daily lives have changed, and we are yet not adapted for the sedentary lifestyles we now lead. 

Technology is GREAT, how ever, it is having a negative impact on our day to day activity levels. 

Movement is key. It can be any movement which you prefer. Below are suggested routines that I find have helped many clients and the professional sports teams that I have worked with in the past, Click the link and download the routine you wish to try. 

You will have to give the routine a few weeks (at least 4-6) to notice long lasting benefit, but you will start to get increased mobility within 2 weeks. 

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